Thursday, May 26, 2005


Georgetown University

So, yesterday I found out that I did not get into Georgetown. However, I made the Waiting List and that is, according to Georgetown admission office person, a reason to be cautiously optimistic. Of course, I was fairly disappointed at first, but than I thought about it and figured that I should be pleased. I was competing against the best students in the area and very good students from around the nation. They all speak english significantly longer than I do. They have parents to pay their bills or at least help paying them. I am on my own in a foreign country and yet managed not to be one of the over 1,200 people who were refused right away.

The fact is that this year there were 1,450 transfer applicants competing for one of the 200 available spots. This means that only some thirteen percent of applicants were admitted in comparison to the usual twenty two percent. According to the letter, the competition was so fierce that they had to turn away even some well-prepared candidates. So I am proud. I might have not gotten in yet, but came close to and there is still a chance that I make it after all. Hopefully the admitted students will get into UVA or elsewhere :D

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


bomb scare

I lived in former Soviet block till I was about ten. Sure, I was young. But I still remember some details. For example how my parents talked to me about communism and capitalims and would never forget to warn me not to talk about those things to other people, because my parents could get arrested.

I also remember a school trip to the boarder with western (capitalistic) Germany. We were allowed to take it only because my teachers husband was in the home guard (militia). The boarder was well guarded with strips of clay to see footprints, barbed wire, and of course antitank devices.

At that point in history however, the precautions were in place to stop people from leaving the country rather than from stopping anyone from comming in.

Lately I've got to see several shows about the fifties in America and about the atomic scare. It is stunning how simmilar it was. On both sides, people were scared of something the counterpart never meant to do. And both countries used the fear to control the people, to invent stories, and justify wrong actions. Communists inprisoned and killed thousands and thousands of people who dissagreed with The Party. US performed atom bomb tests that could not be contained as safe as anyone would like them to be. It's sad. Especially because there is no way of knowing what they are or are not telling us today.

Friday, May 06, 2005


There is a first time for everything

Today is the first day of me here and let's face it, it might as well be the last one too. I don't tend to be too consistend in writing stuff down (eg. my non-existent diary that I've been planing on keeping for years). I'll try my best ... some other time. I'm way too tired right now. Maybe I just note that I don't quite understand the article in today's newspaper: Bush visits Fairfax, VA. Oh, great, really? He has it .. what.. 15 miles from Whitehouse? Is that an accomplishment? And anyway, he is driving around way too often, usually stopping me on green for ages when I really, really need to go... OK, you get it, I am not a big Bush fan, but he doesn't drive me nuts quite as much as certain news... And now I am really tired, so off I go :)

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